
Company Overview

Company name Tokai Kisen Co., Ltd.
Established November 15, 1889
Head office 1-16-1, Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6891
Capital 1.1 billion yen
Representative Junichi Yamazaki, President
Employees 365(as of 31 December 2023)
Main business Shipping related business, Food and beverage business, Hotel business, Passenger car transportation business
Directors Junichi Yamazaki, President
Kaoru Sakurai, Managing Director
Eiichi Wakabayashi, Director
Kazuhide Sakurai, Director
Hiroyuki Saito, Director
Yoshinori Kurasaki, Director
Osamu Fujima, Full-time Auditor
Keisuke Takezaki, Full-time Auditor
Hideto Udagawa, Auditor
* Number of employees and main business represents including the consolidated company.

Securities Report for the Following People...

Financial Services Agency EDINET site

* Information is provided from the Financial Services Agency website, and is not a public inspection under the Securities and Exchange Act.

Shareholder's Memo

Business year January 1 to December 31
Date for shareholder determination for dividend payout December 31
General Shareholders' Meeting Late March
Base date December 31
Other dates as necessary, when determined and announced by the Board of Directors.
No. of shares per share unit 100 shares
Shareholder registry administrator 1-3-3, Marunouchi, Chiyodaku, Tokyo
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
Location of share administration 1-3-3, Marunouchi, Chiyodaku, Tokyo
Head office Securities Custody Dept., Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
Postal delivery address 2-8-4 Izumi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-8507
Securities Custody Dept., Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd.
Tel: 0120-288-324 (Free dial)
Public disclosure newspaper Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Tokyo edition
For anything else that may be unclear, dial the shareholder registry administrator at 0120-288-324 (free dial, Japanese only).

Special Offers for Shareholders

Tokai Kisen Co., Ltd. issues Ship Discount Shareholder Coupons and Facility Discount Shareholder Coupons to shareholders who hold at least 100 Company shares on December 31 and/or on June 30. Details are as follows.

1. Ship Discount Shareholder Coupons

(1) Eligibility and validity period

When is my eligibility determined? December 31 June 30
When are the coupons sent out? Mid-March Mid-September
How long are the coupons valid? From April 1 to September 30 From October 1 to March 31 the following year

(2) Number of coupons issued

  Shareholders holding 100 to 199 shares Shareholders holding 200 to 399 shares Shareholders holding 400 to 599 shares Shareholders holding 600 or more shares
Number of Ship Discount Shareholder Coupons offered 10 20 30 40

(3) Offer details

A coupon provides a boarding fee discount of 35% off designated fares (25% off when boarding in July and August) per person per trip leg for all seat classes on all routes.
For Tokyo Bay Summer Cruises, during the cruise period a coupon provides a discount of ¥1,000 off the adult fare (except on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays). The discount is not applied to fares for primary, junior high or senior high students.

2. Facility Discount Shareholder Coupons (Oshima Onsen Hotel and Restaurant Ship vingt et un)

(1) Eligibility and validity period

When is my eligibility determined? December 31 June 30
When are the coupons sent out? Mid-March Mid-September
How long are the coupons valid? From April 1 to September 30 From October 1 to March 31 the following year

(2) Number of coupons issued

One copy will be issued to all shareholders holding 100 shares or more.

(3) Offer details

Oshima Onsen Hotel
  • ・20% off during busy periods, 50% off during off-peak periods(1 night and 2 meals included)